Tuesday, December 16, 2008


nothing to do in camp at this point.
i just woke up at 11am man.
its been super long since i wake up at this timing sia
too tired yesterday night i think
today wake up whole muscle aching le sia
i think double combo from sunday's gyming and yesterday's 4.2km run
plus the outfield yesterday. triple combo ah!
no wonder all my muscle aching.
i completed the 4.2 in 22mins.
deproved le. i used to do it at18!
but i'm still fast enough for my ippt silver.
my bro should be enlisting in june next year.
and there is a super high chance that he's gonna enlist the day i ORD!
i cant wait man! haha.
19 jan is my tp date.. i really hope i can pass and be able to drive on CNY!
please let me pass!!!!
k la. enough of my nonsense.
i dun even know wad i talking about also.
going back to sleep!


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